Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Classic Chinese Literature

What an odd story.

Ian (9:32:46 PM): what you should read is RotTK

Me (9:32:59 PM): no thanks I don't like lord of the rings

Ian (9:33:30 PM): oh oops

Ian (9:33:35 PM): romance of the three kingdoms

Me (9:34:01 PM): yeah I'm not a big lord of the rings fan

Ian (9:34:17 PM): but the book is about the unnification of china???

Me (9:36:04 PM): sure dude whatever

Ian (9:36:17 PM): and its awesome as heck??

Ian (9:38:03 PM): one of the main general's stops at peasants house to eat

Ian (9:38:15 PM): but they dont have any fod so the dude kills his wife and

Ian (9:38:22 PM): feeds it to the general

Ian (9:38:31 PM): dude finds out about it

Ian (9:38:43 PM): and is moved to tears

Ian (9:38:48 PM): not at the fact he just ate human

Ian (9:39:10 PM): but at the fact the peasant sacrifcied so much. he ended up sending 50 silver to the peasant afterwards

Me (9:39:54 PM): uh, I'm familiar with the book

Ian (9:40:04 PM): oh you are?

Ian (9:40:10 PM): did you have to read it for class or something

Me (9:41:04 PM): nah dude I'm just familiar with pretty much every book

Ian (9:41:13 PM): you are a dick

Ian (9:41:18 PM): hope you choke on a boner

Me (9:42:17 PM): think I found my latest "Ian and Me" conversation

Slow slow slow

I don't think I've had a funny conversation with Ian for a bit.  I do, however, have a bag of spicy pork rinds.  They taste good and were pretty cheap.